Who is behind all this?

Hi, my name is Marlene and I am the founder of Miss Motte AUDIO!
Miss Motte AUDIO stands for professional yet affordable audiobook productions and likewise exists as an independent audiobook publisher since 2018.
We – me and my team of narrators – focus on the wishes and needs of our customers, pursuing the goal of working out an individually suitable offer for everyone and delivering a convincing result in the end. The cordial and personal contact is especially important to me! After all, it should be fun for all involved and everyone should feel safe, understood and respected.
Are you also interested in an audiobook version of your book? Then just write to me, I'll be happy to answer all your questions!
Much love

Marlene Rauch | Founder, Narrator & Master of Moths

Sebastian | Tonmeister & Soundgenie (Freelancer)
Sebastian is our editing and mastering specialist.
Almost every single one of our productions lands on his desk and is edited and spruced up by him. Behind what feels like 1000 knobs and switches, he further has an exquisitely fine ear that puts the finishing touches on our audio books.
Sebastian macht aus jedem tollen Hörgenuss ein grandioses Feuerwerk des Sprachklangs! Er ist freundlich, er ist hilfsbereit, er ist witzig, er ist kompetent ? und er ist einfach nicht mehr aus dem Miss Motte AUDIO Team wegzudenken!
David ist der Experte auf dem Gebiet von Ästhetik, Design, Text und Web.
Schon über unser schönes Logo gestaunt? Unseren Internetauftritt bewundert? Das ist Davids Verdienst. Er begleitet Miss Motte AUDIO nun schon seit bald 10 Jahren und ist dabei nicht nur Designer, sondern auch Ideengeber, Kritiker und Freund. Seit 2020 betreut David ebenso das Projektmanagement für unsere Hörbücher.

David | Management & Designmagie (Freelancer)