Your own book as an audio book in stores?!
Well, how about it?
Behind our productions lies a long path of adventures. Here you'll find everything you need to know about how your book is put together piece by piece.
Ready for your flight of fancy? Let's go!

This is important to us

1. Your request to produce an audio book comes in.
At the beginning, every author asks himself/herself what audio book production is all about. Needless to say, the question of cost is at the forefront. So, "How much will I pay for my audiobook?"
You can easily calculate your average price with our online calculator (click). It depends on the number of words and the specific narrator's price per audio book hour.
By the way, with our service you can have both: audio book production AND distribution - or just one of the two! You'll find out more in a conversation with us.
Bring me to your online calculator (click)

2. Our first steps together: the narrating samples!
Once you have contacted us, we will send you our list of narrators without any obligation. There you will find everything you want to know about your future narrators.
Now you choose 2 narrators per narrative perspective and tell us the names of your favorites. We only need a sample text from you and within a few days you will receive the audio samples of your selected narrators.
Have you found your voice? Then we'll send you our offer for your completely finished audio book – exactly as it will be available for purchase online!

3. Starting shot!
Once everything is signed and sealed, we’re off!
We – that is, you as the author, the narrator, our project managers and our sound engineer – are all in the same boat. That's why we exchange information together via a messenger group. That way, everyone is up to date and all topics can be communicated openly.
The first thing to manage are the audio recordings. In that respect, you'll share all your instructions with us: What are the characters like? How to pronounce specific names? When should the audio book be released?

4. Error correction & proof-listening
This is followed by the editing of the recordings and, in the third place, our proof-listening, so that we can be sure that everything fits together neatly. Our mastering puts the finishing touches to it to get the best possible sound. Oh, already done?

5. Distribution: we send your audiobook to all platforms
If you've chosen Miss Motte AUDIO as your distributor, that means your new audiobook moth baby (German: Motte) is flying off!
At Miss Motte AUDIO we collaborate with a distributor who works almost exclusively with publishers (e.g. Jumbo Verlag, Harper Collins ...). As a publisher, we have particularly good conditions in terms of profit margins. As an author, this is an investment in yourself.
- safe placement of your audiobook on popular platforms such as Audible, Bookbeat, Thalia and over 40 other platforms
- always having a contact person and top priority for solutions to your problems
- all billings are on time and completely transparent (Excel spreadsheet showing through which store the audiobook was sold and how much the proceeds are)
- cooperation with a top distributor with whom we enjoy exceptional conditions
Maybe YES, see you soon :)
Many questions? (FAQ)
The price is composed of two factors.
The length of the audiobook |
We calculate the approximate audiobook length using the following formula: Number of words in the book / 7900 = audiobook length. Example: Your book contains 79000 words: 79000/7900 = 10 hours of audiobook runtime
The narrator |
The narrator fee varies from narrator to narrator, so the total price essentially depends on which narrator you choose. If you are interested in an audiobook production, we will be happy to send you our internal list of narrators (there you will also find a larger selection than on our homepage). The prices on the list refer to what a narrator costs per net audiobook hour (runtime of the finished audiobook).
Example: Narrator Louisa Motte costs 400€/audiobook hour and your calculated audio book runtime equals 6.3 hours: 6.3x 400€ = 2520€ total price for audio book production
Click here to go directly to our Hrbuch calculator!
Production time can vary greatly depending on the length of the audiobook and the choice of your narrator.
In principle, however, the following applies: In order for the audiobook to be published on Audible, Audible allows itself a pre-processing time of approx. 6 weeks. This can sometimes be shorter, but that much time must be scheduled in advance for the publication. Then there is the time needed to actually produce it, which can take from 2 weeks to 2 months. Once the narrator(s) have been determined, we can give a more precise indication of this.
The most important part of an audio book production is the right narrator. If you haven't already picked someone suitable, we can send you a list of narrators. There you will find all the narrators we work with (and their prices).
You then have the option to get a sample made by your desired narrator to be sure that you've made the right choice. Just send me an email with the text that should be recorded and I will forward it to the appropriate narrators.
A sample will be between 3-8 minutes long. Within a few days the samples will reach you and you can choose which narrators you want.
We like to work via group chats so that narrators and authors can communicate directly with each other. First of all, a group is set up where questions/wishes/ideas can be exchanged.
In addition, an audio guideline is given to the narrators by the author so that the pronunciation of proper names or places can be implemented in the sense of the authors.
The chapters are then uploaded by the narrators to a folder that can be accessed by all participants. This way, the authors can always listen to the most recent files directly and in parallel.
To ensure that the audiobook is released free from error, we work with proof-listeners who listen to your audiobook in its entirety once all files have been uploaded. Of course, as the author, you can also point out any errors that you notice yourself.
Once all corrections have been made, you will be sent a link that will take you to your audio book. To put the final touches on it our sound engineer Sebastian has given it a professional mastering and made it available for you to download as mp3 or wav.
Yes, of course we can also take care of the distribution. This will cost you 25% of your net sales generated by your audiobooks. We collaborate with a distributor who places your audiobooks everywhere you can buy or stream them. So you can leave all the tedious work to us.